Welcome to Your CFV Wellness

We all experience change and transition in our lives. Now, more than ever, it is important that we take care of ourselves. Spiritual, physical and emotional balance are essential to our overall well-being and help us to build resilience and confidence. The CFV offers multiple ways for Butler students, faculty and staff to engage in their own wellness practices.

Weekly Meditation Schedule at the CFV

Learning to meditate can help to calm the mind and encounter life circumstances with greater confidence. Taught as a secular practice with deep roots in contemplative traditions, meditation helps to connect us with our overall wellness by harmonizing mind and body helping us to alleviate anxiety and to build resilience, regardless of faith and philosophical views.

Please join us for a half hour of silent meditation. Practice your own form of meditation or receive instruction in the practice. Contact Marguerite Stanciu, mindfulness meditation instructor and teacher to receive instruction and learn more about mindfulness meditation.

Mindfulness Institute for Emerging Adults (MIEA)

“Are stress and anxiety taking a toll on your students? Discover how the Mindfulness Institute for Emerging Adults (MIEA) offers a strategic solution. Our evidence-based mindfulness program is specifically tailored for higher education institutions, designed to build resilience and enhance well-being among both students and staff.”
For more information contact Marguerite Stanciu, assistant director, Center for Faith and Vocation and MIEA teacher.

Reflection, Meditation, and Prayer Rooms

If you are looking for a quiet space to reflect, pray, or meditate in the midst of the busy academic day, these rooms are designed to be available and convenient for you. The rooms are located on the first floor of Jordan Hall, side by side, JH 182 C and D and will be open from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM every Monday–Friday and are a satellite of the Center for Faith and Vocation. Questions about the Reflection, Meditation, and Prayer rooms in Jordan Hall can be directed to CFV Assistant Director, Marguerite Stanciu, mstanciu@4dian8.com.

New! Check out our CFV Canvas page self-paced meditation module.

Spiritual Care and Connection: Request A Conversation

Butler students, faculty, and staff are busy. In the midst of all the many priorities of academics, campus life, and working towards one’s future, sometimes we need to pause, breathe, and get support. The Center for Faith and Vocation staff as well as our CFV Community Advisors are available for conversations, making connections, and offering care.

What is spiritual care?


The CFV champions the “Meaning and Purpose” dimension of BU Be Well, Butler’s wellness model.